Celebrating the Power of Literacy: #BooksThatShapedUs Series Featuring Beth Oswald

Books That Shaped Us Featuring Beth Oswald

We are excited to continue our #BooksThatShapedUs series with the second installment! Through this series, we’re sharing personal stories from the staff, board members, and volunteers at Oshkosh Area United Way (OAUW) about the books that have shaped their lives. These heartfelt reflections celebrate the enduring power of literacy and offer a glimpse into the inspirations of those dedicated to serving your community. We hope these stories encourage you to reflect on your own reading journey, support literacy efforts, and rediscover the books that have left a lasting mark on your story.

Meet Beth Oswald, Our President and CEO

Growing up, reading wasn’t Beth’s favorite pastime—despite her mother’s efforts as a devoted teacher who filled their home with books, hoping to inspire the same love for reading she cherished. But for Beth, reading felt more like a chore than an adventure—until one book changed everything.

That book was A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith, a semi-autobiographical novel that chronicles the coming-of-age story of Francie Nolan in early 20th-century Brooklyn. Something about Francie’s world pulled Beth in, and for the first time, she wasn’t just reading—she was living the story. Through Francie’s struggles, hopes, and dreams, Beth discovered that history wasn’t just a subject to be studied but a rich, emotional experience to be felt through the eyes of those who lived it.

From that moment on, Beth was hooked. Her passion for history blossomed, and now she devours anything historical—fiction, biographies, and in-depth accounts of past events. Her favorite topic? World War II. Although her busy schedule as President and CEO of Oshkosh Area United Way doesn’t allow for as much reading as she’d like, Beth makes time whenever (and wherever) she can to get lost in a good book.

Beth’s story reminds us how one book can completely transform our relationship with reading, opening the door to new passions and perspectives. What book shaped your journey? We’d love to hear your story!

Beth Oswald, CEO of Oshkosh Area United Way, holding a book and sharing how A Tree Grows in Brooklyn sparked her passion for history and reading.

Fun Fact: Did you know that June is National Bathroom Reading Month? While Beth might not have discovered her love for reading in the bathroom, it just goes to show that the joy of reading can be found in the most unexpected places!

How Reading Shapes Tomorrow’s Leaders

Books are more than just stories; they shape young minds and prepare children for the challenges of leadership. Reading helps kids develop essential skills to understand, connect with, and lead others effectively.

Here’s how reading fosters leadership:

  • Communication: Builds vocabulary and fluency, helping children express themselves clearly and persuasively.
  • Critical Thinking: Encourages analysis and decision-making through stories and characters.
  • Empathy: Exposes children to diverse perspectives, fostering emotional intelligence.
  • Creativity: Sparks imagination and innovative problem-solving.
  • Knowledge: Provides the tools to understand complex topics and make informed decisions.

When we invest in literacy, we’re building future leaders equipped to navigate challenges, inspire others, and create meaningful change.

How You Can Help Inspire the Love of Reading

Through our #BooksThatShapedUs series, we’re celebrating the transformative power of books and literacy. Join us in sharing this gift with others in your community. Your monetary contribution can help us expand literacy initiatives, the Growing Readers tutoring program and our Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library partnership, and inspire a lifelong love of reading.

If you’d like to contribute new or gently used books, we’d love to coordinate a donation drop-off:

Together, we can inspire the next generation of readers—and leaders.

If you liked this story, be sure to check out Heidi’s #BooksThatShapedUsStory!

Oshkosh Area United Way